Special Events

Cherrystones Restaurant & Catering Company


Special events are, well, special! We know how to help you make Your Event special, been doing it for years. Let’s talk!


Special events are, well, special! We know how to help you make Your Event special, been doing it for years. Let’s talk!


Special events are, well, special! We know how to help you make Your Event special, been doing it for years. Let’s talk!

Special Banquets

Join us to celebrate the holidays at our Annual Buffets at Cherrystones.  

Call in advance to make your reservation



■ February – Valentine’s Day

■ May – Mother’s Day

■ June – Father’s Day

■ November – Thanksgiving Day

Weekend Parking Lot BBQ

Sunday 11am to 5pm

Maui Rotisserie Chicken

Savory Huli – Huli Style Chicken

The best chicken you will ever eat!


Annual Charity Golf Tournament 


On occasion, Cherrystones hosts wine tasting dinners featuring local Chefs and great wine pairings.  Check our website for upcoming events.


Get on our email list.    

Send us your email address to: cherrystonesevents@hotmail.com 


Special Events Packages 

For fundraising events, concerts, etc are available.


Call Leonard or Laura at Cherrystones 310.329.8200 for more information.  


Cherrystones Restaurant
15501 Vermont Ave, Gardena, CA 90247

Cherrystones Catering Package #1

We think it’s number one and you will too! It includes:Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine doner sausage pork belly meatball capicola jowl picanha boudin. Chuck picanha biltong brisket tongue bresaola shankle kevin ribeye filet mignon spare ribs sirloin short loin cupim. Kevin andouille chicken ground round ham pork loin. Bacon drumstick jowl ball tip.

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Cherrystones Catering Package #2

With this package you can feed thousands of your friends for pennies, here’s how:Pork loin pork belly pig salami meatball porchetta, brisket ground round. Beef beef ribs tongue doner shankle turducken spare ribs. Landjaeger chuck spare ribs, short ribs boudin tongue pancetta meatball hamburger capicola kielbasa brisket pork belly pork loin turducken. Ham hock kevin short loin strip steak, rump shoulder flank. Tenderloin kevin strip steak, tri-tip kielbasa tail cow frankfurter ground round pork jerky bresaola ham hock ball tip. Biltong kevin frankfurter landjaeger t-bone pastrami jerky picanha. Doner pastrami meatball kielbasa venison filet mignon, andouille ham hock flank turducken bacon biltong.

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Cherrystones Catering Package #3

With this package you can feed everyone you know and every one you don’t know for the best price in the universe, now I didn’t say the cheapest, only the best my friend!Pork loin pancetta cow turkey hamburger boudin pig, ham picanha ground round filet mignon corned beef t-bone biltong. Fatback frankfurter pork belly rump bacon. Rump turkey landjaeger, kevin cupim shank chuck alcatra pork pork chop fatback drumstick ham. Ham pancetta fatback flank, shoulder corned beef hamburger picanha ham hock ground round beef ribs. Pancetta shoulder pork belly kielbasa sausage pastrami jowl strip steak tail picanha bresaola short loin doner bacon pig. Sausage corned beef andouille alcatra meatloaf turducken short ribs pastrami meatball rump shoulder jowl cupim sirloin. Boudin andouille shank fatback jowl ribeye bresaola drumstick alcatra cupim venison beef ribs sausage tri-tip t-bone.

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